The officials of the Office of the Department of Industry and Trade in Thai Nguyen
province are implementing the tasks for the last six months of 2023.
The information technology infrastructure at the unit meets the needs of the departments and specialized units, ensuring the facilities and equipment for officials and employees, thereby enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of state management and timely serving the people and businesses. 100% of computers are connected to the LAN/Internet network. The computer-to-staff ratio is 1 computer per person. The Department of Industry and Trade always emphasizes the promotion of knowledge on the application of information technology and digital transformation for officials and employees to enhance their proficiency in using software for professional tasks. The document and work management system is effectively deployed, with 100% of incoming and outgoing documents of the department being updated through the document management software. 100% of officials and employees use software for document management and operation to handle their work tasks. The number of exchanged documents in the document management system is 5946, including 4305 incoming documents processed, achieving 100% of the total incoming documents for the entire organization, and 1641 published documents (1453 outgoing official letters, 94 decisions, 94 Party documents), achieving a 100% rate of outgoing documents for the entire organization. The weekly work schedule of the department’s leadership is regularly updated (according to Report No. 1524/BC-SCT dated May 30, 2023 on the Application of Information Technology in the second quarter of 2023).
Citizens can make payments for fees and administrative procedures by scanning
QR codes at the One-Stop Division of the Department of Industry and Trade
- Provincial Public Administration Center in Thai Nguyen province.
100% of officials and civil servants apply digital signatures in the process of performing their duties. Regular checks and reviews have been conducted to ensure proficient and scientific use of digital signatures at all levels within the organization, from specialists to department heads and senior management. Timely deployment of new issuance, renewal, updating, and supplementation of specialized digital certificates issued by the government, as well as registration and installation of digital signatures on mobile devices for leaders, ensures effectiveness, security, and accuracy. Complete transparency of administrative procedures within the management sector is implemented on the electronic single-window software platform. The application of the electronic single-window software in processing administrative procedures ensures that 100% of the documents are processed on the internet environment. The Department of Industry and Trade has implemented 122 administrative procedures, including 28 procedures that are fully conducted online and 94 procedures that are partially conducted online, all of which are posted on the Province’s e-services portal and interconnected with the National e-services system. At the beginning of 2023, the Department processed 10,522 administrative procedure files, of which 10,019 files were received online, accounting for over 95.21%, and 474 files were digitized and entered into the electronic single-window software. Data on the resolution of administrative procedures is printed and directly extracted from the software, supporting result inquiries on the Province’s e-services portal, allowing individuals and organizations to easily submit, receive, and look up the results of their files online.
The electronic information portal is recognized as an important communication channel between government agencies and the public and businesses. Therefore, the Department’s electronic information portal at has been invested in, upgraded, and fully equipped with features that are linked to the province’s administrative procedure resolution system. It provides timely and comprehensive information and activities related to the industry sector in accordance with regulations, serving the needs of information retrieval and understanding for citizens and businesses. The content is regularly updated and aligned with the propaganda orientations of the Party, the State, and the activities of the department. This significantly contributes to the transparency of administrative procedures, information disclosure, and increasingly effective service delivery to fulfill the department’s political tasks. It helps citizens and businesses conveniently access and stay up to date with information. The management, maintenance, and development of the Thai Nguyen Province E-commerce Platform are entrusted to the Trade Promotion Center, which directly guides and supports agricultural production facilities in listing their products on the platform. To date, there are over 2,600 products available on the platform.
To promote the application of information technology in administrative reform, in the coming period, the Department of Industry and Trade will continue to raise awareness among officials, civil servants, employees, and the general public regarding the Party’s and State’s policies on information technology, communication, and their applications in administrative reform. Additionally, proposals will be developed to upgrade the licensed software for computers. The department will also conduct a comprehensive review of the network system, upgrading and enhancing its security according to the approved standards. Investing in information technology is an investment in development. The application of information technology in the activities of government agencies, coupled with administrative reform, is essential in establishing an e-government that facilitates efficient and high-quality governance. It enhances competitiveness, creates a favorable environment for promoting local socio-economic development.